An independent and comprehensive annual review of the state of the world’s nutrition. This year's report focuses on the theme of making—and measuring— SMART commitments to nutrition and identifying what it will take to end malnutrition in all its forms by 2030.
English 2016 by Haddad L. et al.
This paper focuses on how the food system can deliver improved nutrition and health for better lives and well-being. It presents a set of nutrition-sensitive interventions that countries can adopt, adapt, and apply to their circumstances.
English 2016 by World Bank Group
Describing the essential services that biodiversity and ecosystems provide for all life on Earth, including critical ecosystem functions, the report highlights the unprecedented biodiversity loss and ecosystem breakdown of our times that is in turn impacting human health and well-being worldwide.
English by WHO and SCBD
The report illustrates how global food systems are changing and suggests how agricultural research needs to change if it is to make a major contribution to nutrition and health outcomes.
English by Herforth A. & Gill M.
The report provides comprehensive scientific evidence on how forests, trees and landscapes can be an integral part of the solution to provide 9 billion people with food, shelter and energy.
by Vira B., Wildburger C. and Mansourian S. (eds) - IUFRO
The report presents evidence and analysis on the threats that malnutrition poses to countries and economies and argues that the global food system must be part of mitigating them. It puts forward recommendations for how the US government can better promote nutrition as part of its global food security strategy.
by Andrew Jones
The pocketbook includes nutrition data from FAOSTAT and can be used for evidence-based policy making.
by FAO
The report summarizes progress in improving nutrition status, scaling up nutrition action, meeting the commitments made by signatories to the Nutrition for Growth Compact, and reducing data gaps.
The report assesses emerging shocks that threaten food and nutrition security. It discusses approaches and tools for building resilience and identifies knowledge and action gaps.
Using consolidated Household Economy Analysis (HEA) and Cost of the Diet (CoD) databases, the report attempts to identify common trends and patterns that tell us about food security, especially for poorer households in rural – and in a more limited way – urban settings.
by Boudrea T. et al. (Save the Children)