The policy brief presents the results of a comprehensive global assessment of available scientific information on the relationship between forests and trees and food security and nutrition.
by Vira B., Wildburger C. and Mansourian S. (eds) - IUFRO
The 41st SCN NEWS publication brings together diverse views and perspectives on the importance of nutrition to the Sustainable Development Goals agenda, the opportunities to be seized, and the challenges to be addressed to deliver on the promise to end hunger and malnutrition in all its forms.
English by Lateef A., Mahy L., Ionata S., Hawwash D.
Centered around a food environment capable of providing diet quality—described as diversity, adequacy and safety—the authors detail policies influencing agricultural production, markets and trade systems, consumer purchasing power and food transformation/consumer demand.
by Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition
English by Brian Thompson and Leslie Amoroso
This report analyses options for policies and interventions to improve the functioning of markets that deliver nutrient-dense foods. It looks at five broad strategies, including various forms of regulation and public–private partnership.
by Robinson et al. (Institute of Development Studies, UK)
by te Lintelo, D.J.H., Haddad, L.J., Lakshman, R. and Gatellier, K. (IDS)
The report reviews the concept of biodiversity mainstreaming assessing the effectiveness of interventions and best practices adopted in GEF projects focusing on production landscapes and seascapes.
by Brian J. Huntley and Kent H. Redford
The report examines the relationship between agriculture and nutrition in developing countries, focusing on how nutrition is currently prioritized within agricultural policy frameworks. It profiles district-level coordination mechanisms, which could result in better communication and coordination - and better nutrition - at a household level.
by Save the Children
Public policy can have a significant impact in the fight against hunger. This report looks at some of the conditions contributing to the success of the strategy, including political will combined with a plan that is coherent, consistent, multidimensional and participatory.
English by Mendonça Leão M. & Maluf R.S. (Oxfam)