Introduction. Revaluing institutional food procurement
Portuguese 2016 by Caniello, M., Schneider, S., Pauli, R. and Hunter, D.
Despite increasing evidence of the multiple benefits of biodiversity including for improving diets and nutrition, this paper explores the current challenges to better integrate biodiversity for improved nutrition in policies and programmes that tackle food and nutrition security.
English 2016 by Hunter et al.
Explores the shift in global diets and the challenges these changes pose for food security and a sustainable future.
English 2016 by Ranganathan, J. et al.
The paper seeks to better understand the levels of investment required to effectively reduce post-harvest losses and the extent to which reductions in these can cost-effectively contribute to improved food security
by Rosegrant M.W. et al
This paper addresses the question of how sustainable smallholder agriculture can contribute to improving food security and reducing under-nutrition in the developing world.
by S. Wiggins & S. Keats
by Pangaribowo, E. et al.
This paper lays out the critical steps that need to be taken to achieve ending world hunger: innovation, developing markets, empowering people and political leadership.
by Conway G. and Wilson K.