Realizing farmers’ rights through community-based agricultural biodiversity management


by Clancy, E., Vernooy, R., Drucker, D., van Etten, J., Gupta, A., Halewood, M., Hunter, D., Jarvis, D., Nankya, R., Lopez, I., Padulosi, S., Ramirez, M., Sharma, N. and Sthapit, B.

The brief aims to raise awareness among delegates and Contracting Parties to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA) of the crucial contribution that a community-based approach to the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural biodiversity can make to realizing farmers’ rights and empowering men and women smallholder farmers.

Authors: Clancy, E., Vernooy, R., Drucker, D., van Etten, J., Gupta, A., Halewood, M., Hunter, D., Jarvis, D., Nankya, R., Lopez, I., Padulosi, S., Ramirez, M., Sharma, N. and Sthapit, B.
Publication Years: 2016