The potential of neglected and underutilized species for improving diets and nutrition

by Hunter, D. et al.
Nutrient-rich neglected and underutilized plant species could help transform food systems, provided science and policy are better connected, and greater coordination exists among the diverse stakeholders working with these species.
Edible biodiversity Food composition Food Security Nutritional Diversity
Authors: Hunter, D., Borelli, T., Beltrame, D.M.O, Oliveira, C.N.S, Coradin, L., Wasike, V.W., Wasilwa, L., Mwai, J., Manjella, A., Samarasinghe, G.W.L, Madhujith, T., Nadeeshani, H.V.H., Tan, A., Tuğrul Ay, S., Güzelsoy N., Lauridsen, N., Gee, E. and Tartanac, F.
Publisher: Planta
Publication Years: 2019
Edible biodiversity Food composition Food Security Nutritional Diversity
Authors: Hunter, D., Borelli, T., Beltrame, D.M.O, Oliveira, C.N.S, Coradin, L., Wasike, V.W., Wasilwa, L., Mwai, J., Manjella, A., Samarasinghe, G.W.L, Madhujith, T., Nadeeshani, H.V.H., Tan, A., Tuğrul Ay, S., Güzelsoy N., Lauridsen, N., Gee, E. and Tartanac, F.
Publisher: Planta
Publication Years: 2019